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  • アメリカ人との国際結婚:お客様の声(コダマ様)


東京都出身のコダマ晴子様は、日本で知り合ったKODAMA KEVIN JAMES様と1990年5月にアメリカで結婚。アメリカでの生活が30年以上経ち、ご子息が独立されたことをきっかけに、夫婦で日本へ移住することを決断され、日本人の配偶者ビザを行政書士法人SGXへ依頼。2024年4月に在留資格認定証明書が交付されました。国際結婚・日本への移住、そして行政書士法人SGXへ依頼された経緯について、お二人にお話を伺いました。※今回は英語でインタビューさせていただきました。


氏名 年齢 国籍 職業
コダマ 晴子 50代 日本 なし
日付 経緯
2023年8月 無料相談(ZOOM)
2023年12月 申請
2024年4月 許可
2024年4月 来日


-Can you tell us about your dating history?(お二人の交際経緯について教えていただけますか?)

晴子様:We first met in Japan about 35 years ago during his corporate training program. He visited the construction company where I worked, which led to our meeting. We’ve now been married for approximately 34years. 

-Can you tell us about your dating history?(いつどんなきっかけで国際結婚が決まりましたか?)

KODAMA KEVIN JAMES様:A long time ago, we began dating about a year after working together. Afterward, I returned to the US for graduate school. After graduation, I secured a steady job, and she moved to the US to live with me. At that time, there was no internet. Managing a long-distance relationship was challenging, as our only means of communication were letters and costly phone calls.

晴子様:Thirty years ago, international marriages were not as common as they are today. A letter would take a week to arrive. When my husband wrote to me, I would receive his letters two weeks later. Additionally, there was a significant time difference to account for when making phone calls, which were quite expensive. Looking back, these are all good memories!



-When and where did you know about our spouse visa agency service?(弊社の配偶者ビザ代行サービスをいつ、どこで知りましたか?)

晴子様:After deciding to move to Japan, I found your official site through a Google search. Your site featured photos of married couples just like us and it immediately felt right.
We had no idea where to start, especially since we were retiring, and we weren’t planning to work here. We weren’t sure about the duration or the difficulty of the process, so finding your site was a fortunate occurrence.

-What was your first impression when you had a meeting with our company?(弊社とご面談させていただいた時の第一印象はいかがでしたか?)

晴子様:We first met on Zoom. The platform was clear and straightforward. Even though we were new to it, there was nothing confusing. The price list was transparent, and the process was simple, which inspired trust. Overall, so good!

-When you requested our spouse visa agency service, did you compare us with other companies? If you compared, which offices did you compare with?(弊社に配偶者ビザ代行を依頼する時、他社と比べられましたか?比べたとしたら、どの事務所と比べましたか?)

晴子様:I reviewed a few similar companies. However, I don’t remember their specific names. Because I wasn’t particularly interested in comparing these companies, I didn’t reach out to any of them.

-Why did you ultimately choose our company? Can you tell us three reasons why you chose us?(なぜ最終的に弊社を選んだのでしょうか?選ばれた理由を3つ教えてもらえますでしょうか?)

KODAMA KEVIN JAMES様:Good customer reviews, a clear website about pricing, and straightforward pricing. Those three!

晴子様: I found SGX website to be very clear, which I appreciated. Many customer reviews were positive, so I decided to choose this one.
晴子様:In the Japanese Facebook community, many members are planning to return to Japan after retirement or are considering relocating due to the current state of the U.S. economy. Discussions often revolve around topics like job opportunities in Japan. I mentioned SGX during one of these discussions. There’s a wealth of information exchanged, such as how to obtain a spouse visa, the duration and cost of the process, and the difficulties of navigating this without a visa service. That’s why I recommended SGX.


-How was the response after you requested our services?(弊社にご依頼いただいて対応はいかがでしたか?)

晴子様:Very easy, fast response. An email was sent back immediately, which I greatly appreciated. Despite the time difference between California and Japan, I always received replies within 24 hours. We were always responded to promptly.

-Were there any parts that were difficult to understand when you received the necessary documents from our company?(弊社から必要書類リストの案内が届いた時にわかりにくかった部分などございましたか?)

晴子様:Nothing was particularly difficult. However, after you submitted the documents to Immigration, it took longer than usual for the approval to come through. This wasn’t your fault, and I don’t know if it was due to congestion or something else. That part was a mysterious part. But you were confident that the documents we submitted were perfect, so we were okay. In other words, we weren’t too worried.

-What was your state of mind while waiting for the results from the application?(申請から結果が来るまでの間、どのような心境でしたか?)

KODAMA KEVIN JAMES様: We were busy with preparations for our move, especially since we were relocating with our dog(laugh). Despite the visa process being a smaller part, there were many other aspects to consider, such as securing a place to live in Japan. 

晴子様: In fact, we purchased a house before moving back, which involved a lot of paperwork. This was beyond our control. However, it was a great relief to know that the visa process was being handled professionally. We are grateful for your assistance with this.

-How did you feel when the results arrived?(結果が届いた時にどのような気持ちになりましたか?)

KODAMA KEVIN JAMES様:It was crazy because the approval came just a day or two before. We were flying with our dog and couldn’t change the flight. If the visa didn’t arrive in time, we planned to go to Japan as tourists and return to process it in America. This was completely different from our initial plan.

KODAMA KEVIN JAMES様:The approval arrived two days before the flight, and we rushed to the embassy. It was hectic but exciting because everything was done. Once we arrived at Haneda, everything went smoothly. I was worried about our dog, but there were no issues, and I got through without problems.

晴子様:Dog and husband! (laugh) So happy. 
We applied for a visa at the Consulate-General of Japan in San Francisco. Usually, it takes about a week to receive approval via email. We were in a rush and, fortunately, this time it only took one day. However, this is not the norm.
(犬と夫!(笑) なんて幸せな。私たちは在サンフランシスコ日本国総領事館に査証の発給申請をしたのですが、通常発給されるまで1週間ほどかかるそうです。私たちは急いでいたのですが、今回は1日で発給されました。すごいことですが、それは普通ではないです)

-Please tell us three good points and three bad points about our spouse visa agency service.(弊社の配偶者ビザ代行サービスの良いところ3つ、悪いところ3つ教えてください)

KODAMA KEVIN JAMES様:You took care of everything which was good. There was no problem with submitted no worry.

晴子様:Nothing bad. Every time I asked questions, the responses were immediate and clear, with no ambiguity. You guys at SGX were really confident that the approval would come, which gave us peace of mind. If we had just waited for the immigration review without using your visa service, we probably wouldn’t have been able to get the visa.

KODAMA KEVIN JAMES様:That was overwhelming. We had to sell a house, buy another house, take care of a dog, and manage many other things. I’m glad someone was there to help with this part.

-Please tell us your future expectations of our company.(弊社への今後の期待を教えてください)

晴子様:Once he has obtained a one-year visa, do you provide extension services? Oh, you do. We will certainly use your service. We will also recommend your service to anyone who needs this visa.

-Do you have a word for those who are considering requesting our services?(弊社に依頼するか迷われている方に向けて何か一言いただけますでしょうか?)

KODAMA KEVIN JAMES様:If you want someone to take care of everything, this company will do that for you. That’s the best recommendation you can have、having someone else taking care of without worrying.
(もし心配することなく誰かに全てを任せたいと思うなら、SGXさんがそれをしてくれます。とてもお勧めです! )

晴子様:For a Japanese wife in the US planning to return to Japan with her husband, it can be challenging to manage tasks such as obtaining family register copies, particularly if she returns earlier. Having someone handle all of this is extremely convenient. While there is a cost involved, it is not prohibitively expensive. Although it’s not cheap, I believe the service offers good value for money. I highly recommend it.

-Finally, how would you like to live in Japan in the future?(最後にお二人は今後どのように日本で生活されていきたいでしょうか?)

KODAMA KEVIN JAMES様:We want to stay forever here grow old together.

晴子様:Our son is in America. He’s planning to visit here soon. He may consider living in Japan with us. However, he has many relatives and it’s where he grew up in US, so he might find it more comfortable there.But right now, we have a dog. Her name is Karry.

KODAMA KEVIN JAMES様、晴子様、どうもありがとうございました!



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