就労ビザ取得!お客様の声(Makame Mahfuza Moue様)バングラデシュ国籍
バングラデシュ国籍の「Makame Mahfuza Moue」様は株式会社リソルカンパニーに就職が決まり、就労ビザ取得そして1年後の更新手続きを行政書士法人SGXに依頼され、無事に許可が出ました。弊社の対応などについてお話を伺いました。
氏名 | 年齢 | 国籍 | 職業 |
Makame Mahfuza Moue様 | 30代 | バングラデシュ | 会社員 |
日付 | 経緯 |
2022年8月10日 | 無料相談(代表者とZOOM) |
2022年8月31日 | オンライン申請 |
2022年9月28日 | 許可 |
-First, please tell us about your current job. まずは現在のお仕事について教えてください。
Makame様:I work as a business oversea manager in an IT company. In fact, I act as a bridge between my Japanese boss, who doesn’t speak English, and the IT engineers in other countries. I assist in translating and facilitating communication between them.
-When and why did you decide to apply for employment?いつ、どんなきっかけで就職しようと決意されたのですか?
Makame様:I found my company through Indeed. I have a strong interest in Japan and Japanese culture, and I would love to work for a company in Japan. However, my Japanese language skills are not yet proficient. Fortunately, I found a place where I can use both Japanese and English. English is my primary language for work, and Japanese allows me to communicate better with people and integrate into Japanese culture. I find my job very interesting because it allows me to use multiple languages throughout the day.
-When and where did you learn about our work visa agency service?弊社の就労ビザ代行サービスをいつ、どこで知りましたか?
Makame様:Actually, the first time I changed my status from a dependent visa to a working visa was because my boss, who is the CEO of my company, introduced me to your company. He helped me get in touch with you and spoke on my behalf. I was really pleased with this and see no reason to switch to another company. You understand my visa situation and, most importantly, I have found your service to be excellent. Another main reason is that I have been following your company on Facebook. I have read very positive reviews and interviews with other customers who are highly satisfied. Therefore, there is no reason for me to switch to another company. Everyone has only positive things to say about your company; there are no complaints.
-What was your first impression when you had an interview with our company?弊社とご面談させていただいた時の第一印象はいかがでしたか?
Makame様:Friendly and supportive.
-When you decided to entrust us with your work visa application, did you compare us to other companies?弊社に就労ビザ代行を依頼する時、他社と比べられましたか?
Makame様:No, I asked my boss if there was any company they could introduce, and they introduced your company to me. So, my boss trusted and wanted to introduce you again, and I completely trust them.
-How was our response after you requested our services?弊社にご依頼いただいてからの対応はいかがでしたか?
Makame様:You all are friendly and provide full support. I feel extremely satisfied. I thought my application would have to wait for another week to be processed because my previous supervisor is on a business trip abroad for a week. However, there was an immediate personnel change within the company, and my application was submitted within that week. I am surprised by your enthusiasm and professionalism.
-Were there any parts that were unclear when you received the letter pack from our company?弊社からレターパックが届いた時にわかりにくかった部分などございませんでしたか?
Makame様:I am having some difficulty with kanji because I don’t understand them very well, so I had to ask my colleague to help me translate. I hope you don’t have to write in English, but please write in simpler Japanese. Actually, I feel a bit hesitant about giving my personal documents to my colleague for translation…
-How did you feel during the period from application to receiving the result?
Makame様:Visas are crucial for foreigners like us who want to live in Japan. Whenever I apply for a visa, I always have concerns because the process usually takes a considerable amount of time. Thankfully, you have been very helpful and advised me to carry a copy of my personal documents with me during the visa application process. This is because you are aware that in Tokyo, the police can request to see your foreigner registration card at any given moment.
-How did you feel when you received the result?結果が届いた時にどのような気持ちになりましたか?
Makame様:I am very grateful for your assistance in helping me obtain my visa quickly. Although I had hoped for a longer duration, after discussing the visa outcome, I understand and greatly appreciate your company.
-Please tell us three good points and three bad points about our work visa agency service.弊社の就労ビザ代行サービスの良いところ3つ、悪いところ3つ教えてください。
Makame様:You are incredibly supportive. Whenever I send an email or make a phone call, you always respond promptly. Additionally, you keep me informed about every action you take, such as sending and receiving letter packs, as well as submitting visa applications.I greatly appreciate that you go the extra mile by collecting all the necessary documents for me. It saves me valuable time, especially when it comes to submitting documents at the immigration office. This allows me to focus on my job and improve my performance, as I would otherwise need to take a break from work to go to the city hall or tax office.By the way, it would be even more convenient if we could communicate on LINE or a similar platform, as I am often busy with work and may not be able to check my email regularly. LINE is preferable, but if not, email is still fine. You guys are doing a great job.
-Please share your expectations for our company in the future.弊社への今後の期待を教えてください。
Makame様:Using LINE to communicate and translate the necessary documents.
-Could you say a few words for those who are undecided about whether to entrust us?弊社に依頼するか迷われている方に向けて何か一言いただけますでしょうか?
Makame様:In my point of view, your company has higher prices compared to some other companies that my friends have recommended. However, I have still encouraged them to use your services. In my case, all I need to do is write and sign some documents, then send them to you and wait.
-Finally, how would you like to expand your business/life in Japan in the future?最後に今後どのように事業展開/日本で生活されていきたいでしょうか?
Makame様:I imagine living a longer life in Japan, and when the necessary conditions are met, I will definitely ask your company to help me with the process of changing my nationality.